The prophet Elijah – on the run, exhausted, and ready to die – met an angel under the broom tree, and encountered God in the silence. More often than not, people of God are on the run and troubled. Hoping for the Big Fix, God more often shows up in the silence, as hard as that can be.
The Sound of Silence at the Reedville Church Sunday after next, June 19, in-person and by Zoom at the usual link. Contact the church office if you need it.
Session has linked our masking requirements to Washington County’s Covid case risk level.* If the risk level rises above ”Low” we automatically reinstate the mask requirement for worship. At anytime, anyone is welcome to wear a mask, and those unvaccinated or vulnerable to infection are encouraged to do so for their own safety and the well being of the community. *
Update: As of 6/8/2022 Washington County is at the “medium” risk level so we are back in masks for worship for now. Case levels are the rise statewide.