We believe that God loves the world, that Jesus embodies that love, and that, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we follow Jesus by sharing this love the best we can. Reedville is a landing place. Whether staying for decades, visiting a few times, or dropping in when times are tough for sanctuary and rest, we want people to feel welcomed and loved.
At Reedville we value
Community—We honor our deep roots and value the ties that bind us with one another and our neighbors. The circles of community extend outward as we seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Worship and Prayer—Weekly worship gathers and grounds us. Prayer connects us to our loving God and gives us strength and comfort.
Service—In service we become Christ’s presence in the world and follow the example of servanthood set by Jesus.
Growth—We are unfinished creatures, living into our baptismal covenant, reformed and always being reformed by God.
Fellowship—We like to be together. We like to work together. We like to have fun together. We like to be together working and having fun!
At Reedville we work toward
Hope—In Christ God is making a new creation. We seek to reflect his light in the world, acting in faith rather than fear.
Stewardship—All that we have comes from God. As stewards of these gifts, we are charged with their responsible care.
Reconciliation—“Blessed are the peacemakers.” In a divided world, we endeavor to be instruments of grace facilitating reconciliation with God, with others, and with all creation.
Justice—Just as we have been given a place at God’s table, we work for inclusion, fair treatment, and grace for all.
We are part of the Presbyterian Church USA. You don’t need to be Presbyterian to join us in worship. Everyone is welcome no matter what your faith background (or lack thereof). If you’re curious about Presbyterian beliefs, check out the PC(USA) website.
We are currently on the search for a pastor who will be called home to Reedville.
Leonard Sponaugle is our Interim Pastor
Sergey Kirillov is our Organist
Siri Harding is our Treasurer
Valerie Zraoula is our Administrative Assistant
Currently, Reedville Church is on a faithful search to welcome a new pastor to the fold.
Our Organist, Sergey Kirillov, was born in Sochi, Krasnodar Territory. Since 1962, his family lives in Kiev, where he graduated from the music School and twice from the Kiev State Conservatory: piano class and organ class. From 1974 to 1986, he worked as a concertmaster of the State Conservatory and toured as both a solo organist and accompanist of the leading choral groups in Kiev. He then worked as choir director in the cathedrals of Barnaul and Novosibirsk. In 1990, he was invited to Stavropol to serve as a choir director of the Bishops’ Choir. In 1992, he became Artistic director of the Stavropol Chamber Orchestra “Cantabile”.
He was awarded the Orders of the Russian Orthodox Church “St. Prince Vladimir” and “St. Sergius of Radonezh” for organizing church singing in the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 2006 he was awarded the government title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation”. Sergey has been playing organ (and occasionally piano) for Reedville Church since January, 2017.
Our Treasurer, Siri Harding, is our new Treasurer. Her skills and background make her an absolute asset to the Church.
Our Administrative Assistant, Valerie Zraoula, is the point of contact for all church publications, building reservations, and usually, everything else.
The Reedville Presbyterian Church was dedicated in 1907. It was formed as part of the Ladd and Reed land grant with the adjacent Reedville School. Throughout our history we have trained many pastors continued to be vitally present with our community partners to make a difference in the world.