The Reedville Presbyterian Church Weekly E-Update
For the week beginning with worship
in person/virtually on Sunday, August 20, 2023
August 20, 2023 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Liturgical Color: Green
Sunday’s Worship Texts: Matthew 18:18-20, John 11:1-21 and Romans 8:31-39
(Visit Bible Gateway for texts.)
Invitation to Discipleship (ITD) Schedule: 1st Sunday-Deacons, 2nd- B&G, 3rd-Worship,
4th-Faith Formation, 5th-WFWA.
To Volunteer for Worship, Liturgists or Flowers – visit Sign-Up Genius. Contact 503-649-1282 for access to the site. Once you gain access, create your own account. (Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 am to 1 pm.)
Eight Days at Reedville, August 20 – August 27, 2023
Sun. Aug. 20: 9:30 am — Worship In-Person and Virtual
Tues. Aug. 22: 6:30 pm – Boy Scouts
Wed. Aug. 23: 10:00 am — Faith Formation Special Stewardship Meeting
7:30 pm — AA Big Book
Sun. Aug. 27: 9:30 am — Worship In-Person and Virtual
11:00 am – Crafternoon, Fellowship Hall
News and Updates
Faith Formation – Alphabet Gratitude – “G”
Where will you “Go” for this week’s “G” gratitude…
The Mission of the Month for August is Kid Clothes!
Every so often a student next door will experience a clothing emergency during the day. A student
might have an accident, or their clothes might be damaged on the playground. At these times,
the school likes to have an array of clothing (sweatpants, short and long-sleeved tee-shirts) on hand
for the student to change into for the rest of the day. These need not be new, but should be in good condition. Look for a donation basket in the narthex for boys or girls sizes 5-16. A few coats are also needed, as there are some children whose parents are not able to provide them a coat.
Cash donations will be used by Mission Matters to fill in missing sizes and to buy clothes for the school
throughout the year at thrift stores or during great sales. Thank you for your donations of used clothing
or Cash for Clothes! –benefitting the clothes closet of Reedville Elementary School.
Western Farm Workers Association
Sign Up to help with WFWA Back to School Distribution September 2 at Reedville Church. Look for
a sign-up sheet with more information on the church’s bulletin board. Please provide your name, phone
number and whether you prefer to help in the morning or afternoon. WFWA appreciates the help of church
members who are able to assist in their periodic distributions which occur at the church.
Clothes hangers are needed by Western Farm Workers Association. Go through your closets for unused hangers of any size and place them into the collection box near the stage.
Letters may be written to the City of Hillsboro Water Department asking that water not be shut off
for low-income families faced with high rate increases which they cannot afford. We have postcards in the Narthex that makes the process easy. Because of community outcry, WFWA has been able to negotiate a compromise in individual cases.
Requested texts continuing:
August 20 – Unanswered prayer from Lili Wilson
August 27 – Matthew 15:21-28 from Siri Harding
September 3 – Isaiah 30:18-26 from Kathy H-P
Our next Congregational Conversation is on September 10th. Please participate!
Pastor Leonard
Please send any information regarding church activities to Valerie ASAP so they can be posted in the
E-Update and bulletin insert. Valerie can also post your information on the church’s Facebook page
if you like!
Information for the E-Update and Newsletter need to be received by the office no later
than Wednesday at 11 am.
To Keep in Mind…
The Reedville Food Pantry is focusing on the six core items: Sugar (4 lbs bags), Masa (4-6 lbs), White rice (2 lbs), Pinto beans, dry (2 lbs), Cooking oil (32-oz bottle), and Cereal. The Pantry is open the first Tuesday of the month, 10:00-11:30 am, staffed by volunteers with appropriate safety protocols in place. Food Pantry donations may be dropped off at church while a staff member is present, M-F, 9:00-12:00. Place bags on the blue bench on the north side breezeway and they’ll be brought in, employing appropriate safety measures. For more information contact Gayle.
The Prayer Chain is one way the Reedville Church holds its members, household and their loved ones, and the community in prayer. Anyone is welcome to serve on the Prayer Chain by emailing Amy who will add you to the list. Anyone may make a prayer request by emailing Amy. We are also receiving prayers in the Community Prayer Mailbox. If you have questions or comments please contact Kathy S, who currently serves as Moderator of Deacons.
Regular Meetings and Events
In-Person and by Zoom
Every Sunday: 9:30 am: Lord’s Day Worship
First Monday: 7:00 pm: Community Garden Monthly Meeting
First Tuesday: 10:00 am: Deacon Food Pantry open
First Tuesday: 3:00 pm: Mission Matters Team Monthly Meeting
First Tuesday: 7:00 pm: Deacons Monthly Meeting
Second Monday: 10:00 am: Building and Grounds Committee (B&G) Monthly Meeting
Second Monday: 2:00 pm: Personnel Committee Monthly Meeting
Second Tuesday: 10:00 am: Finance Committee Monthly Meeting
Second Tuesday: 1:15 pm: Faith Formation Ministry Group (FFMG) Monthly Meeting
Second Wednesday: 7:00 pm: Worship Ministry Group (WMG) Monthly Meeting
Third Tuesday: 7:00 pm: Session Monthly Meeting
Fourth Sunday: 11:00 am: CrafterNoon Women’s crafting (after Worship)
Second and Fourth Wednesday:
9:30 am: Circle of Grace Women’s Bible Study
Quarterly: Presbyterian Women (PW) Meeting
Second Tuesday of Odd Months:
7:00 pm: Grace Endowment Executive Committee
(Jan. 10, March 14, May 9, July 11, Sept. 12 & Nov. 14)
The Reedville Presbyterian Church: Hope Here
Mission Statement – January 2018
We believe that God loves the world, that Jesus embodies that love, and that, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we follow Jesus by sharing this love the best we can. Reedville is a landing place. Whether staying for decades, visiting a few times, or dropping in when times are tough for sanctuary and rest, we want people to feel welcomed and loved.
Reedville Presbyterian Church
2785 SW 209th Ave., Aloha, OR 97003
Church office e-mail:
Pastor’s e-mail:
Twitter: @ReedvilleChurch
Administrative Assistant: Valerie Zraoula
Main Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00-1:00, unless otherwise noted
Treasurer: Siri Harding. Office hours: Monday and Friday, 9:00-12:00
Organist: Sergey Kirillov
Weekly E-Update Editor: Valerie Zraoula
© 2021 Reedville Presbyterian Church, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
2785 SW 209th Ave, Aloha OR 97003
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